2024 ICCS Charity Event Sponsorship
Thank you for sponsoring our 2024 Annual Charity event, which will help support the Disability Readiness Programs for Children at Pikes Peak Library District (PPLD).
Diamond Level ($5,000)
Recognition from the podium * display booth * full page brochure ad * lobby screen display * ad on COSIndia.org * 5 VIP tickets ($375 value) & lobby reception after show
Amount: $5,150 ($5000 + 3% CC fee)
[wp_stripe_checkout_session name="Diamond Level" price="5150" description="Diamond Sponsorship" billing_address=”required” phone_number_collection=”true” button_text="Sponsor Now"]
Platinum Level ($2,500)
Recognition from the podium * display booth * full page brochure ad * lobby screen display * ad on COSIndia.org * 3 VIP tickets ($225 value) & lobby reception after show
Amount: $2,575 ($2,500 + 3% CC fee)
[wp_stripe_checkout_session name="Platinum Level" price="2575" description="Platinum Sponsorship" billing_address=”required” phone_number_collection=”true” button_text="Sponsor Now"]
Gold Level ($1000)
Display booth * half page brochure ad * lobby screen display * ad on COSIndia.org * 2 VIP tickets ($150 value) & lobby reception after show
Amount: $1,030 ($1000 + 3% CC fee)
[wp_stripe_checkout_session name="Gold Level" price="1030" description="Gold Sponsorship" billing_address=”required” phone_number_collection=”true” button_text="Sponsor Now"]
Silver Level ($500)
Display booth * logo on COSIndia.org
Amount: $515 ($500 + 3% CC fee)
[wp_stripe_checkout_session name="Silver Level" price="515" description="Silver Sponsorship" billing_address=”required” phone_number_collection=”true” button_text="Sponsor Now"]
Please download the PDF sponsorship form if you prefer and e-mail the completed form to cosindiancommunity@gmail.com